Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Vacation Swapping can be a Good Source of Timeshare Relief

Timesharing became popular since its introduction in the late 1960s. And since then, this means of vacationing became a part of the lifestyle of most people, particularly those who availed of the package. If you are a timeshare owner, you can select a suitable time for your vacation in a certain resort. However, there are several owners who want to find timeshare relief because of the many disadvantages associated with it. Eager vacationers look for other wise and cheaper alternatives to timesharing to be able to enjoy a vacation every year. Vacation swapping can be one of these alternatives.

Some timeshare resorts allow its owners to swap their units with others within the same hotel group or with resorts belonging to other groups who have special arrangements with them. This system allows two parties to take a vacation on each other’s properties as long as they agree on their terms. They can stay at each other’s house or property for a given period of time. However, certain precautions must be taken to ensure that the swapping will not in any way jeopardize both parties. A written agreement must be established to ascertain that the parties would exercise caution not to intentionally damage anything in each other’s property.

These days, some timeshare owners are already bored with their properties and they are trying to get rid of their timeshares. Going to the same timeshare resort every year is one of the disadvantages of owning a timeshare. It is good then to have a great vacation by opting for other alternatives of timeshare such as the vacation swapping. This means of going on a vacation is much cheaper and it also offers more flexibility.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

List of TATOC Accredited Resorts Released for the Relief of Vacation Enthusiasts

The Association for Timeshare Owners Committees (TATOC) released the list of accredited timeshare resorts for the Resort Accreditation Programme (RAP) of the year. These timeshares may not be owned by some timeshare owners seeking for timeshare relief but it is with hope that the timeshare industry will continue to bounce back from the unfortunate crisis it is suffering. This list may invite more vacation enthusiasts to check out timeshare resorts and once they realize that the prices of these resorts are way above the rates they can afford, they may try other timeshare options. And the easiest to acquire would be timeshares from resellers.

The TATOC list includes Club Las Calas in Lanzarote, Villacana Club in Malaga, Sunset Bay Club in Tenerife and Pine Lake, all located in northern England. Being part of the list this year, these timeshare companies can opt to use the TATOC Accredited Resort Logo in their company advertising, publications and websites. Having this logo is a seal of good timeshare standing that most timeshare knowledgeable individuals can identify. It can therefore help in the advertising of the timeshare properties being managed by these timeshare companies.

Timeshare owners who want to get rid of their timeshares should be aware of such information. Knowing these aspects of timeshares may help them to strategically dispose their timeshares. It can also encourage them to be intent in their efforts to seek for ways to be free of the timeshare especially if their timeshares do not have the similar seal.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Do Not Mess with Vermont Consumers: Timeshare Repurchaser’s Relief

Attorney General William Sorrell stated a reminder to companies, "If out-of-state companies offering an economic benefit to consumers in Vermont violate the state's consumer laws, they can expect strong enforcement and serious consequences." Such government enforcement is a relief to timeshare owners seeking for timeshare relief.

Most timeshare owners who are looking for ways to be free of their timeshares get victimized by fraudulent companies promising these owners to free them of their timeshares. These companies take advantage of the desperate situation of these owners knowing they will bite any bait just to be free from their timeshare contracts.

Apex Professionals, LLC met several timeshare owners last spring of 2009. The company promised these owners to transfer their timeshare contracts to free them of their timeshares. They also stated that they will pay the owners for their timeshares. However, the company charged them of several thousand dollars to transfer the ownership. They were consoled with the information that they can offset their payments by filing federal income tax deduction for investment looses.

The state of Vermont charged Apex $120,000 for restitution and penalties to settle the claims because of their violation of Vermont’s consumer law. Fifteen Vermont consumers will be paid more than $64,000 while $65,000 will be allocated for penalties and refund for state expenses over the case.

Such circumstance should open the eyes of timeshare companies, especially the fraudulent ones that violations have its certain fee. Timeshare owners who want to get rid of their timeshares should be vigilant to catch fraudulent timeshare companies to cut down the numbers of their victims.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Timeshare Promotions Can Provide Relief for Vacationers

Invitations to timeshare promotions are once again on the rise as the holiday season is fast approaching. This increase may not benefit timeshare owners trying to find timeshare relief but it spells relief to people without timeshares but would want to go on vacation in a timeshare resort.

The increase in invitations to timeshare presentations can be a benefit to people who want to go on vacation in a timeshare resort but it comes with danger though. Timeshare companies with timeshare presentations for prospective buyers usually give out freebies, and one of which is a couple of nights stay in a timeshare resort. This is a good opportunity for adventurous people.

Only adventurous people should be present at these timeshare presentations. Going to such events can be very dangerous, especially if you are going to avail the free timeshare resort visit. Most timeshare sales agents consider people who attend these events a captured market. That is because these agents do not usually allow attendees to go out of the event without purchasing a timeshare package. They do all strategies to ensure that you will buy one. If you will not be strong in your resolve not to purchase the package, you might end up going home with one.

So you should know at least one strategy to get out of the presentation without the package. Don’t bring your credit card to the presentation. Don’t bring anything valuable. That will ensure you from being tempted to leave your credit card details just to be free from the sales agents. If it is hard to get away from these presentations, imagine how difficult it would be to get rid of a timeshare.

Timeshare Question Resolved